For middle schoolers to experience a day in the life of a Chesterton student!
8:00 –– Mass at St. John Neumann Church
8:30 –– Ride to Chesterton Academy of Annapolis
8:45 –– Presentation / performance by Latin 3 students
9:30 –– Snack / break. Donuts provided. Organized group game
10:30 –– Seminar discussion of Homily by St. Augustine, led by Mr. Bors (assistant headmaster) and Mr. Rivera (latin and drama teacher)
11:30 –– Break
11:40 –– Discussion / Q & A: Catholic, classical education & Chesterton Academy.
12:00 –– Pick-up Who: 6th–8th graders
Where: Chesterton Academy of Annapolis (351 Dubois Rd, Annapolis, MD21401)
Dress Code: Formal student attire.
Gentlemen: slacks / dress pants, button-down shirt,
Ladies: dress or skirt to knees or below, or khaki / dress pants.